2nd report published!

We have pleasure to announce that INCONE60 has published second report under title “Local ports and their impact on regional economy”.

The following study purpose is to analyse the local ports on Lithuanian, Polish, German, Danish, Swedish, and Belgian coast, and their impact on regional economy.

In the first chapter of the study, the authors present and analyse transport system of the South Baltic region. The subjects  considered were short sea shipping, inland waterway transport, railways and road transport of individual countries. Despite the free movement of passengers, goods and services resulting from globalization and liberalization of the worldwide transport market, there are still many barriers to the implementation of transport and logistics processes. These barriers and main bottlenecks were also identified. To make the analysis of individual means of transport complete, an analysis of the transport costs by individual modes of transport was also undertaken.

The second chapter presents current state of IWW E 60. The precise route of IWW E 60 in the area of the South Baltic region was delimited and NUTS 3 subregions located under direct influence of IWW E 60 were also identified. The analysis of these subregions was undertaken in terms of, for example, population or gross domestic product. The conducted study made it possible to assess the impact of IWW E 60 on coastal regions in the South Baltic Sea region and the North Sea.

The third chapter focuses on the analysis of current state of local seaport located along IWW E 60. Port facilities and functions were identified. The condition of port infrastructure and types of cargo handled in individual ports were examined. Cost analysis related to the transhipment of cargo was also undertaken. Establishing the extent of cooperation with local authorities was also a very important step when examining the local seaports.

The last chapter entirely focuses on port infrastructure, both from the land side and sea side. Navigation conditions and their role for development of local seaports have been described. To that end, the case study of Vordingborg port has been conducted.

The entire study is a comprehensive analysis of the state of the South Baltic local seaports and their impact on regional economy. The whole transport system have been analysed and the possibilities of using
IWW E 60 for the development of local seaports were presented.

To download the summary of the publication please click on the picture above!

Due to the big size of the file, it is not ulopaded to the website. If you are interested in the full version of the publication please send the request to the:

Rafał Koba

e-mail: rafal.koba@im.umg.edu.pl

Incone 60